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Friday, February 3, 2012

Rumor: iPad 3 to Launch in March [Updated]

If you wished for another iPad 3 launch rumor when you woke up this morning, then you’re in for a stroke of luck.
According to the oft-accurate Japanese blog Macotakara, Apple will announce the third generation iPad at an event due to be held in March, with a release date to come after that announcement.
The news comes after Macotakara had previously claimed that the event would take place in February, but the blog now says that there will 
“I reported that Apple was going to hold Special Event in early February according to Asian supplier and source from united states, but this report told a half-side of truth. Apple will hold “Strange” event at February instead of Special Event.”

When pushed, the post’s author suggested that the February event will not be a product announcement, citing sources in the Apple supply chain.
Macotakara has had some success in predicting such announcements in the past, so we’re inclined to lend this rumor a little more weight than most. That said, it is still a rumor.
Right now, the only thing we know for certain is that Apple will announce a new iPad some time between tomorrow and next year, which isn’t exactly the stuff of crystal balls.
Other rumors include the possible addition of a Retina Display for this generation iPad, and it’s a rumor that just will not go away. At this point we can’t help but feel that anything short of a high-resolution display this time around will be deemed a failure by many.
Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

Update: Jim Dalrymple says Apple has no event scheduled for February. Obviously, we give much more weight to Jim’s sources than Macotakara’s. 

[Via: idownloadblog]

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